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Picasso Tårnet (Torre Picasso), 1989, er en kontorbygning i 43 etager beliggende på Plaza de Pablo Ruiz Picasso. Tårnet er tegnet af den amerikanske arkitekt Minoru Yamasaki (1912-1986), der også tegnede World Trade Centers tvillingetårne.
Picasso Tower (Torre Picasso), 1989, is a 43-storey office block situated at Plaza de Pablo Ruiz Picasso. The tower is designed by the American architect Minoru Yamasaki (1912-1986) best known for the twin Towers of The World Trade Center in New York.
1-2 Madridtårnet (Torre de Madrid), 1957, i 34 etager beliggende på Plaza de España er tegnet af arkitekterne og brødrene Joaquín og Julián Otamendi.
Madrid Tower (Torre de Madrid), 1957, a 34-storey building situated at Plaza de España designed by the architects and brothers Joaquín og Julián Otamendi.
3 Castelartårnet (Torre Castelar), 1975, tegnet af tegnestuen Rafael de la-Hoz.
Castelar Tower (Torre Castelar). 1975, designed by The Rafael de La-Hoz Architects' Studio.
1-2 Europatårnet (Torre Europa), 1975-1985, er en kontorbygning i 30 etager beliggende på Paseo De La Castellana, tegnet af Miguel Oriol e Ybarra (1933).
Tower (Torre Europa), 1989, an office block of 30 storeys situated at Paseo De La Castellana designed by the Spanish architect Miguel Oriol e Ybarra (1933).
3-4 Telefónicabygningen, 1929, Madrids første skyskraber, 14 etagers bygning, var hovedkontoret for det nationale telefonselskab, beliggende på Gran Via, tegnet af den amerikanske arkitekt Louis S. Weeks, den spanske arkitekt Ignacio de Cárdenas har tilføjet nogle detaljer.
Edificio Telefónica, 1929, Madrid's first skyscraper, 14-storey office block, was the headquarters of the Spanish telephone company, situated in the Gran Via, designed by the American architect Louis S. Weeks, the Spanish architect Ignacio de Cárdenas has added some details.
1-3 Torre de Colón, 1976, 23 etagers kontorbygning på Plaza de Colón, tegnet af arkitekten Antonio Lamela Martinez.
Torre de Colón, 1976, 23-storey office block situated at Plaza de Colón, designed by the architect Antonio Lamela Martinez.
4 Cervantes Instituttet (Institute Cervantes), er en verdensomspændende non-profit organisation grundlagt af den spanske regering i 1991, hvis formål er at fremme det spanske sprog og den spanske kultur. Instituttet har mere end 60 centre rundt omkring i verden. Det er opkaldt efter en af de væsentligste spanske forfattere, Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616), der skrev romanen Don Quixote (1. del 1605, 2. del 1615). Cervantes Instituttet blev tildelt Prinsen af Asturiens pris i 2005 i kategorien Kommunikation og Menneskelighed.
The Cervantes Institute (Institute Cervantes) is a world-wide non-profit organization founded by the Spanish Government in 1991 to promote Spanish language and culture. It is now the largest international Spanish teaching organization, it has more than 60 centers around the world. The institute is named after one of the most important Spanish writers Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616), most famous for Don Quixote (Part 1, 1605, Part 2, 1615). The Institute was awarded The Prince of Asturias Award in 2005 in the category Humanities and Communication.
1 Edificio España, 1947-53, 25 etager, beliggende på Plaza de España tegnet af arkitekterne Julian og Joaquin Otamendi.
Cervantes Monumentet ses foran bygningen.
Edificio España, 1947-53, 25 storeys, situated at Plaza de España designed by the architects Julian and Joaquin Otamendi. In front of the building The Cervantes Monument.
2-4 BBVA Bygningen/Banco de Bilbao, 1980, 30-etagers bygning på Paseo de la Castellana tegnet af arkitekten Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oiza. BBVA står for Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria.
BBVA Building/Banco de Bilbao, 1980, 30-storey building at Paseo de la Castellana designed by the architect Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oiza. BBVA stands for Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria.
1-2 Plaza de la Villa/Rådhuspladsen Til venstre Casa de Cisneros (1537) tegnet for Kardinal Cisneros af Benito Jimenez de Cisneros, og opført i plateresque stil, der er en spansk arkitektur- og ornamentstil karakteristisk for bygninger i begyndelsen af 1500-tallet. Plateresque er en fusion af sengotisk stil med renæssanceelementer - en spansk version af den italienske ungrenæssancestil. Bygningen huser i dag rådhuskontorer. Til højre Casa de la Villa, byens forhenværende rådhus og fængsel, som blev tegnet i 1629 af Juan Gomez de Mora og opført i perioden 1644-96. Ændringer i nordfacaden (1785-89) blev tegnet af Juan de Villanueva og udvidelser fra 1857-59 af Juan José Sánches Pescador.  
The Plaza de la Villa/Town Square. To the left Casa de Cisneros (1537) designed for Cardinal Cisneros by Benito Jiménez de Cisneros and built in Plateresque style, which is a style used in Spanish architecture and ornament in the early 16th century. Plateresque is a fusion of Late Gothic style including Renaissance elements - a Spanish version of the Italian early Renaissance style. Today the building houses various Town Hall departments. To the right Casa de la Villa, the former Town Hall and prison designed in 1629 by Juan Gomez de Mora and built in the period 1644-96. Alterations to the North facade (1785-89) were made by Juan José Sánches Pescador.  
Plaza de Cibeles
Plaza de Cibeles med Palacio de Comunicaciones, der er byens hovedpostkontor (påbegyndt 1904) tegnet af arkitekten Antonio Palacios. Bygningens arkitektoniske udtryk består af elementer kendt fra romansk og gotisk kirkebyggeri. Bygningen rummer Post- og Telegraf Museet. Centralt på pladsen er Kybele Fontænen (1777-82), tegnet af den spanske arkitekt Ventura Rodríguez, udført i marmor. Den romerske gudinde Kybele/Cybele kendes også som gudernes mor, Magna Mater, hun var bjergenes og hulernes gudinde, hun herskede over de vilde dyr og frugtbarhed. I fontænen ses Kybele i en stridsvogn der trækkes af to løver, der oprindeligt var mennesker, men blev forvandlet til vilddyr, fordi de havde ødelagt gudindens tempel. 
Når Real Madrid vinder en kamp flokkes fans omkring fontænen for at hylde byens hold.
Plaza de Cibeles with Palacio de Comunicaciones, the Head Post Office of Madrid (begun 1904) designed by the architect Antonio Palacios. The building's architectural expression exists of elements known from Romanesque and Gothic cathedrals. The building contains the Postal and Telegraphic Museum. In the middle of the Plaza is the Cibeles Fountain (1777-82) designed by the Spanish architect Ventura Rodríguez, executed in marble. The Roman goddess Cybele aka Magna Mater, mother of all the gods, was also goddess of mountains and caverns, she ruled over the wild animals and fertility. In the fountain is Cybele placed in a chariot pulled by two lions, originally people changed into wild beasts, because they ruined the temple of the goddess.
When Real Madrid wins a cup, fans flock around the fountain to celebrate.
Plaza Mayor
Casa de la Panadería
Plaza Mayor er Madrids centrale plads planlagt af Filip 2. og hans arkitekt Juan de Herrera, og indviet i 1620 under Filip 3. Juan Gómes de Mora gav pladsen dens rektangulære form, og efter at tre brande havde hærget pladsen fuldendte Juan de Villanova den i 1853 ved at give den det udseende, som den har i dag. Pladsen er omgivet af treetagers beboelsesejendomme. Casa de la Panadería (bagerlaugets hus) var pladsens første bygning, fuldført i 1590. Huset havde en farverig facade med fresker, der er blevet renoveret adskillige gange; senest i 1992, da facaden blev dekoreret med fresker af maleren Carlos Franco. Centralt på pladsen står en rytterstatue af Filip 3. tegnet af skulptøren Giambologna og støbt i 1613 i Firenze af Giambolognas elev, den italienske skulptør Pietro Tacca. Statuen blev placeret på pladsen i 1847.
Plaza Mayor is the central square of Madrid planned by Philip II and his architect Juan de Herrera, and inaugurated in 1620 during Philip III. Juan Gómes de Mora gave the plaza its rectangular form, and after beeing damaged by fire three times, Juan de Villanova gave it its present-day look in 1853. The plaza is surrounded by 3-storey residential properties. The Casa de la Panadería (The Bakery House), the first  building completed in 1590 dominates the Plaza, the building housed the bakers' guild. Originally the building had a colourful facade of frescoes, which have been renovated several times over the years, most recently in 1992, when the frescoes were repainted using designs by Carlos Franco. The equestrian statue of Philip III was designed by the sculptor Giambologna and casted in 1613 in Florence by Giambologna's pupil the Italian sculptor Pietro Tacca. The statue was placed in the plaza in 1847.
1 Puerta de Alcalá/Alcalá Byporten blev oprindeligt opført i 1599 for at hilse Margarita af Østrig velkommen til Madrid som kommende hustru til Kong Filip 3. I 1759 kørte Kong Carlos 3. gennem porten og ind i Madrid, men fandt, at den ikke var imposant nok som passage for fornemme besøg, hvorfor han i 1764 beordrede porten revet ned. Den italienske arkitekt Francesco Sabatini (1722-1797) fik til opgave at bygge en ny, som blev fuldført i 1769.
Puerta de Alcalá/Alcalá Gate was originally constructed in 1599 to welcome the future wife of King Felipe III, Margarita of Austria. In 1759 King Charles III entered the city through the gate and found it unworthy for such a noble use. In 1764 he ordered the gate to be torn down and a new one built. The Italian architect Francesco Sabatini (1722-1797) received the commission. The gate was completed 1769.
2-3 Puerta de Toledo/Toledo Byporten (1813-17) af arkitekten Antoni López Aguado, er den ene af Madrids to stadig eksisterende byporte (den anden er Puerta de Alcalá). Oprindelig var den planlagt som en triumfbue til ære for Napoleon 1. Den blev opført under hans brors, Josef 1. Bonapartes, regeringsperiode (1808-1813), men da den stod færdig blev den et symbol på den genindsatte kong Ferdinand 7. af huset Bourbon, som var Spaniens konge i 1808 og igen fra 1814-33. Han sad i fængsel i Frankrig under Napoleonskrigene.
Puerta de Toledo/Toledo Gate (1813-17) by the architect Antoni López Aguado, is one of Madrid's two surviving city gates (the other is Puerta de Alcalá). Originally planned as a triumphal arch in honor of Napoleon I, it was built during the reign of his brother Joseph I Bonaparte (1808-1813), and when completed it became the symbol of the Bourbon King Ferdinand VII, who was king of Spain in 1808 and from 1814-33, and was imprisoned in France by Napoleon during the Napoleonic Wars.
4 Edificio Metropolis 1709-11, 5-etagers kontorbygning beliggende på hjørnet af Calle de Alcalá og Gran Via af arkitekterne Jules og Raymond Février.
Edificio Metropolis, 1709-11, 5-storey office building situated on the corner of Calle de Alcalá and Gran Via, designed by the architects Jules and Raymond Février.
Teatro Real/Madrid Opera
Teatro Espanol
1-2 Statue af Isabel II (1830-1904), den ældste datter af Kong Ferdinand 7., og Spaniens første og eneste regerende dronning (1836-1868).
Statue of Isabella II (1830-1904), eldest daughter of King Ferdinand VII, and Spain's first and only queen regnant (1836-1868).
3 Madrid Opera House.
4 Teatro Español.
5 Parlamentsbygningen (Congreso de los Diputados)/The Parliament Building (Congreso de los Diputados).
1-4 Estadio Santiago Bernabéu 1947, hjemmestadion for Real Madrid. 
Estadio Santiago Bernabéu, 1947, home stadium for Real Madrid. 
Equestrian statue of Charles III, Puerta del Sol
Cristina de Bourbon
Columbus Monument, he Plaza de Colón/Columbus Square Columbus Monument
1 San Pedro el Viejo, en af de ældste kirker i Madrid/One of the oldest churches in Madrid.
2 San Sebastián Atocha.
3 San Jerónimo el Real.
4 Basílica de San Francisco el Grande/The National Pantheon.
Madrids gader/Streets of Madrid
Skulpturen "Hånd" på Paseo de la Castellana udført af den colombianske maler og skulptør Fernando Botero Angulo (1932).
The sculpture "Hand"
 on Paseo de la Castellana executed by the Colombian painter and sculptor Fernando Botero Angulo (1932).
1-2 Madrids symbol "El oso y el madroño" (bjørnen og jordbærtræet) på et kloakdæksel. I den romerske periode var der et stort antal brune bjørne i området omkring Madrid.
The symbol of Madrid "El oso y el madroño" (the bear and the strawberry tree) on a manhole cover. In Roman times numerous brown bears inhabited the area around Madrid.
3 Neptunfontænen (1780-1784) på Plaza de Cánovas del Castillo tegnet af Ventura Rodríguez og udført i hvid marmor af Juan Pascual de Mena.
Fountain of Neptune (1780-1784) at Plaza de Cánovas del Castillo, designed by Ventura Rodríguez and executed in white marble by Juan Pascual de Mena.
Manzanares river
1 Springvand på Paseo de la Castellana/Fountain on Paseo de la Castellana.
2-3 Manzanares floden/Manzanares river.
1-3 Levende skulpturer og papirkunst på Plaza Mayor/Living sculptures and paper art at Plaza Mayor.
Casa del Libro Moorish designs on Art Deco Capitol cinema
Entrance gate to the Plaza Mayor from Calle de Felipe III.
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