(unggotik) er en by bygget på en lille 80 m høj klippeø
et par km fra kysten i Normandiet i Frankrig. En asfalteret dæmning
fører over til øen.
Ærkeenglen Mikael skulle i 700-tallet have vist sig for en biskop og
sagt til ham, at han skulle opføre et kapel, der fik ærkeenglens
navn Mikael/Michel.
Et benediktinerkloster blev grundlagt i begyndelsen af 700-tallet,
og der blev i 1200-tallet opført et kloster med en gotisk kirke, og
der opstod en lille by ved foden af klostret.
I 1600-tallet blev klostret til fængsel.
I dag er Mont-Saint-Michel under den franske stats forvaltning og et
historisk monument og betragtes som et af verdens underværker. |
(Early Gothic) built
as a medieval castle on a rocky islet close to
the coast of Normandy, France, famous for its
Benedictine abbey. A causeway leads to the islet
- the islet is about one kilometer in diameter and about 80 meters high. The tides are among the greatest in France, with a swing of up to 15 meters between the high and low water marks. Before the causeway was built in 1880, many pilgrims lost their life in the tidal area with its dangerous quicksand. In the early 8th century the Archangel Michael appeared to Bishop Aubert of Avrangess and told him to built a chapel and name it Michael/Michel after him. The first chapel was founded in 708.
About 966 Richard the Fearless, third Duke of Normandy, finding the community in a relaxed condition, installed Benedictines from Monte Cassino at Mont-Saint-Michel. In 1017 Abbot Hildebert II began the colossal scheme of buildings all round the rock which should form a huge platform level with the summit, on which the abbey church might stand. In spite of enormous difficulties e.g. fire and collapses, the great scheme was persevered in during five centuries and crowned by the completion of the choir in 1520.
At the revolution the monks were ejected and the building became a prison for political offenders while, the name of the place was changed from
Mont-Saint-Michel to Mont Libre (Liberty Mountain). In 1874 the French government assumed responsibility for the abbey's upkeep and restoration.
Mont-Saint-Michel is looked up on as one of the wonders of the world - and it also became a symbol of the allied landing in Normandy during the Second World War. |