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Pierre Arnaud
plateauet i
er grundlagt af
og kunstelskeren
Pierre Arnaud
indviet i 2013,
tegnet af
Den unikke
facade, et
gigantisk spejl,
Louché søen og
det alpine
sceneri. |
The Pierre
on the
plateau in the
village of
is founded by
the businessman
and art lover
The building,
inaugurated in
2013, is
designed by
The unique
facade, a giant
mirror, reflects
the lake of
Louché and
the surrounding
Alps. |
Romantiske værker
af europæiske kunstnere udstillet på
Foundation Pierre Arnaud
Romantic paintings by European
artists exhibited at the Pierre
Arnaud Foundation |
1 |
Leberecht Lortet,
"Matterhorn", 1866. |
2 |
Leberecht Lortet, "Alpelandskab" eller "Bjergrigt landskab"/Leberecht Lortet, "Alpine Landscape" or "Mountainous Landscape". |
3 |
Carl Georg Enslen, "Parti af katedralen i Köln, set fra vest", 1839/Carl Georg Enslen, "View of Cologne Cathedral, seen from the West", 1839. |
4 |
Otto Frölicher, "Alpelandskab"/Otto Frölicher, "Alpine Landscape". |
1 |
Kaspar Kässli,
"Rhône-gletsjeren", 1878/Kaspar Kässli,
"The Rhône Glacier", 1878. |
2 |
Jean-Antoine Linck, "Udsigt over Alperne set fra hvælvingen, kaldet huen", 1799.
Jean-Antoine Linck, "View of the Alps Seen From the Arch, Called the Cap", 1799. |
3 |
Anton Winterlin, "Lauterbrunnen dalen og Jungfrau massivet", 1865/Anton Winterlin, "Lauterbrunnen Valley and the Jungfrau Massif", 1865. |
4 |
Francois Diday, "Pissevache vandfaldet", 1852/Francois Diday, "The Pissevache Waterfall ", 1852. |
1 |
Francis Danby,
"Afgrunden", ca. 1827/Francis Danby,
"The Precipice", c. 1827. |
2 |
Gustave Dorè, "Skotsk landskab", 1875-80/Gustave Dorè, "Scottish Landscape", 1875-80. |
3 |
Caspar Wolf, "Stenhvælving ved Skt. Beatus grotten", 1776/Caspar Wolf, "Stone Vault at St Beatus Cave", 1776. |
4 |
Caspar Wolf, "Bjørnehule i Welschenrohr", 1778/Caspar Wolf, "Bear Cave at Welschenrohr", 1778. |
5 |
Carl Friedrich Lessing, "Bjerglandskab: Kløft med ruiner", 1850/Carl Friedrich Lessing, "Rock Landscape: Gorge with Ruins", 1850. |
1 |
Johann Heinrich
Füssli, "Ensomhed i morgenskumringen",
1797-99/Johann Heinrich
Füssli, "Loneliness in the Morning
Twilight", 1797-99. |
2 |
Anton Graff, "Portræt af gravøren Adrian Zingg", 1796-99/Anton Graff, "Portrait of the Engraver Adrian Zingg", 1796-99. |
3 |
Fleury Epinat, "Vulkanudbrud" eller "Vesuv i udbrud", 1810/Fleury Epinat, "Volcanic Eruption" or "Vesuvius in Eruption", 1810. |
4 |
Charles Hugo, "Victor Hugo på eksilklippen", 1853/Charles Hugo, "Victor Hugo on the Rock of the Exiles", 1853. |
5 |
Victor Hugo, "Klokketårnet i Gent", 1864/Victor Hugo, "The Belfry of Ghent", 1864. |
1 |
Ernst Ferdinand Oehme,
"Stenbrud i det Saksiske Schweiz",
1860/Ernst Ferdinand Oehme,
in Saxon Switzerland", 1860. |
2 |
Charles Marie Bouton, "Bedende munk i en gotisk kirkeruin", 1824.
Charles Marie Bouton, "Praying Monk in the Ruins of a Gothic Church", 1824. |
3 |
Charles Caïus Renoux, "Munke foran et gravmæle", 1828/Charles Caïus Renoux, "Monks in front of a Tomb", 1828. |
4 |
Charles Marie Bouton, "Karl 6.'s vanvid", eller "Parti" fra 1300-tals rummet i Musée des Monuments français, ca. 1815.
Charles Marie Bouton, "The Madness of Charles VI", or "View of the 14th-century room in the Musée des Monuments français", ca. 1815. |
1 |
Carl Gustav Carus,
"Højt bjerg", 1822/Carl Gustav Carus,
"High Mountain", 1822. |
2 |
Carl Gustav Carus, "Tintern klostret" eller "Måneskin"/Carl Gustav Carus, "Tintern Abbey" or "Moonlight". |
3 |
Carl Gustav Carus, "Colosseum i Rom", efter 1828/Carl Gustav Carus, "The Colosseum in Rome", after 1828. |
4 |
Carl Gustav Carus, "Visionen om en imaginær by", ca. 1840/Carl Gustav Carus, "The Vision of an Imaginary City", c. 1840. |
Crans-Montana er et
ski resort med
udsigt over
i kanton Valais i
den fransktalende
del af Schweiz.
is a ski resort high
above the
Valley in the
canton of Valais in
the French-speaking
part of Switzerland. |
Sacré-Coeur (viet til Jesu
hellige hjerte), sognekirke,
Sacred Heart,
parish church, Crans-Montana |
Valais Alperne/The
Pennine Alps |
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