Museo del Novecento |
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Rytterstatue af
Victor Emmanuel II,
opsat 1896,
udført af Ercole Rosa. Piazza Del Duomo.
Equestrian Statue of Victor Emmanuel II,
erected 1896,
executed by
Ercole Rosa.
Piazza Del Duomo. |
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Piet Mondrian, "Fyrtårn ved Westkapelle" (en lille by i Nederlandene), 1909-10.
Piet Mondrian, "Lighthouse at Westkapelle" (a small city in the Netherlands), 1909-10.
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Amedeo Modigliani, "Portræt af en kvinde", 1915/Amedeo Modigliani, "Head of a Woman", 1915. |
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Umberto Boccioni, "Madame Virginia", 1905. |
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Umberto Boccioni, "Sindstilstande I, dem der bliver", 1911/Umberto Boccioni, "States of Mind I, Those who Stay", 1911. |
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Umberto Boccioni, "Sindstilstande I, dem der går", 1911/Umberto Boccioni, "States of Mind I, Those who Leave", 1911. |
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Umberto Boccioni, "Kvinde på en Cafè - Indtrængen af lys og planer", 1912-14.
Umberto Boccioni, "Woman in a Cafè - Interpenetration of Light and Planes", 1912-14. |
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Umberto Boccioni,
"Studie af et hoved - Mor (abstrakt dimension)", 1912.
Umberto Boccioni,
of a Head - Mother (Abstract Dimensions)", 1912. |
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Umberto Boccioni, "Lansenérbrigadens angreb", 1915/Umberto Boccioni, "Charge of the Lance Brigade", 1915. |
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Umberto Boccioni, "Menneskefigur (dynamik), 1913/Umberto Boccioni, "Human Figure (Dynamism), 1913. |
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Umberto Boccioni, "Dynamikken af en menneskefigur", 1913/Umberto Boccioni, "Dynamism of a Human Figure", 1913. |
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Umberto Boccioni,
"Spiralkonstruktion", 1913/Umberto Boccioni,
"Spiral Construction", 1913. |
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Umberto Boccioni, "Kontinuitetens unikke former i rummet", 1913. Den menneskelignende skulptur gengiver en række bevægelsesfaser samtidig vist i posituren og vingeformerne.
Umberto Boccioni, "Unique Forms of Continuity in Space", 1913. |
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Umberto Boccioni, "Udvikling af en flaske i rummet", 1912, bronzestøbning fra 1935.
Umberto Boccioni, "Development of a Bottle in Space", 1912, bronze cast of 1935. |
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Umberto Boccioni, "Under pergolaen i Napoli", 1914.
Umberto Boccioni, "Under the Pergola in Naples", 1914. |
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Umberto Boccioni,
"Drankeren", 1914/Umberto Boccioni,
Drinker", 1914. |
5 |
Arturo Martini, "Bebudelsen", 1933/Arturo Martini, "Annunciation", 1933. |
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Monument for
arkitekten Luigi Canonica, 1847/Monument to architect
Luigi Canonica, 1847. |
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Gentile da Fabriano, Valle Romita polyptykon, ca. 1410-12. Oprindeligt fra det lille Franciskanerkloster i Valle Romita nær Gentiles fødested Fabriano.
Gentile da Fabriano, Valle Romita Polyptych, c. 1410-12. Originally from the small Franciscan herimitage of Valle Romita near Gentile's birthplace Fabriano. |
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Gentile da Fabriano, "Korsfæstelsen", ca. 1410/Gentile da Fabriano, "Crucifixion", c. 1410. |
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Vittore Carpaccio,
"Skt. Stefans drøftelse", 1514/Vittore Carpaccio,
"Disputation of St Stephen", 1514. |
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Andrea Mantegna, "Skt. Lukas' altertavle", 1453-54/Andrea Mantegna, "St Luke Altarpiece", 1453-54. |
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Andrea Mantegna, "Jomfru Maria med Jesusbarnet og et englekor", 1480-90.
Andrea Mantegna, "Virgin and Child with a Choir of Cherubim", 1480-90. |
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Giovanni Bellini, "Jomfru Maria med Jesusbarnet"/Giovanni Bellini, "Madonna with Child". |
1 |
Giovanni Bellini,
"Pietà", 1455-60. |
2 |
Giovanni Bellini,
"Jomfru Maria med Jesusbarnet", 1510/Giovanni Bellini,
"Madonna with Child", 1510. |
3-4 |
Gentile Bellini, "Den hellige Markus prædiker i Alexandria", efter 1507/Gentile Bellini, "St Mark Preaching in Alexandria", after 1507. |
1-3 |
Tintoretto (Jacopo
"Skt. Markus' lig findes", ca. 1562/Tintoretto (Jacopo
of the Body of St Mark", c. 1562. |
4 |
Michele da Verona, "Korsfæstelsen", 1501/Michele da Verona, "The Crucifixion", 1501. |
1 |
Veronese, "Festen
i Simons hus", ca. 1570/Veronese, "The Feast in
the House of Simon", c. 1570. |
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Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti), "Portræt af en ung mand"/Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti), "Portrait of a Young Man". |
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Veronese, "Jesu fortvivlelse i Getsemane Have"/Veronese, "The Agony in the Garden". |
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Veronese, "Den sidste nadver", ca. 1585/Veronese, "The Last Supper", c. 1585. |
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Tintoretto (Jacopo
"Helgener og en giver tilbeder korset"/Tintoretto (Jacopo
"Saints and a Donor Adoring the Cross". |
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Veronese, "Antonius abbeden med helgenerne Cornelius og Cyprian"/Veronese, "St Anthony Abbot with Saints Cornelius and Cyprian". |
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Amedeo Modigliani,
"Portræt af en ung kvinde", 1915/Amedeo Modigliani,
"Portrait of a Young Woman", 1915. |
2 |
Amedeo Modigliani, "Portræt af Moïse Kisling", 1915. Moïse Kisling (1891-1953), en polsk født fransk kunstner.
Amedeo Modigliani, "Portrait of Moïse Kisling", 1915. Moïse Kisling (1891-1953), a Polish born French painter. |
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Amedeo Modigliani, "Det fede barn", 1915/Amedeo Modigliani, "The Fat Child", 1915. |
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Arturo Martini, "Ophelia", 1933. |
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Donato Bramante,
"Kristus ved martersøjlen", 1490-99/Donato Bramante,
"Christ at the Column", 1490-99. |
2 |
Donato Bramante, "Laurbærkronet digter med rød hat", 1490-92/Donato Bramante, "Laurel Crowned Poet with Red Hat", 1490-92. |
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Antonio Canova, "Napoleon som Mars fredsstifteren", 1803-06/Antonio Canova, "Napoleon the as Mars the Peacemaker", 1803-06. |
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Vincenzo Foppa,
1500-05, doneret købmanden Martino Grassi.
Vincenzo Foppa, "The
Grazie Polyptych", 1500-05, donated by the
merchant Martino Grassi. |
2 |
Bernardino Zaganelli, "Kristus bærer korset", 1508-09/Bernardino Zaganelli, "Christ Carrying the Cross", 1508-09. |
3-4 |
Bernardo Zenale, "Engle synger og spiller", ca. 1500/Bernardo Zenale, "Angels Singing and Playing Musical Instruments", c. 1500. |
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Francesco Francia
(Francesco Raibolini), "Bebudelsen",
1505/Francesco Francia
(Francesco Raibolini), "The Annunciation", 1505.
2 |
Carlo Crivelli, "Krucifiks, Jomfru Maria og evangelisten Johannes", 1488-90.
Carlo Crivelli, "Crucifix with Virgin Mary and St John the Evangelist", 1488-90. |
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L'Ortolano (Giovanni Battista Benvenuti), "Korsfæstelsen med Jomfru Maria, Johannes Døberen, evangelisten Johannes, Maria Magdalene og Den hellige Augustinus", 1517-20.
L'Ortolano (Giovanni Battista Benvenuti), "Crucifixion with the Virgin and St John the Baptist, St John the Evangelist, St Mary Magdalene and St Augustine", 1517-20. |
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Rafael, "Jomfru Marias
bryllup", 1504/Raphael, The Wedding of
the Virgin", 1504. |
2 |
Piero della Francesca, "Brera Madonnaen" eller "Montefeltro altertavlen", ca. 1465.
Piero della Francesca, "The Brera Madonna" or "The Montefeltro Altarpiece", c. 1465. |
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Guido Reni, "De hellige apostle Peter og Paulus", ca. 1605/Guido Reni, "Saints Peter and Paul", c. 1605. |
1-2 |
Daniele Crespi,
"Den sidste nadver", 1624-25/Daniele Crespi, "The
Last Supper", 1624-25. |
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Antoon Van Dyck, "Jomfru Maria og Jesusbarnet med Den hellige Antonius af Padova", 1630-32.
Antoon Van Dyck, "The Virgin and Child with St Anthony of Padua", 1630-32. |
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Antoon Van Dyck, "Portræt af en kvinde", 1634-35/Antoon Van Dyck, "Portrait of a Lady", 1634-35. |
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Jacob Jordaens, "Ofringen af Isak, 1630/Jacob Jordaens, "The Sacrifice Of Isaac", 1630. |
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El Greco, "Den hellige Frans", 1600-05/El Greco, "S. Francesco", 1600-05. |
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Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo, "Den
fjerde stand", 1901/Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo, "The
Fourth Estate", 1901. |
2 |
Pierre Paul Prud'hon, "Giovanni Battista Sommariva", 1813. |
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Anton Raphael Mengs, "Domenico Annibaldi", 1750. |
1 |
"Markuspladsen set fra kanalen", 1730-35.
"The Basin of
St Mark Viewed from the Custom Point",
1730-35. |
2 |
Canaletto, "Parti fra Canal Grande"/Canaletto, "View of the Grand Canal towards the Custom Point from the Campo San Vio". |
3 |
Francesco Guardi, "Parti fra Canal Grande"/Francesco Guardi, "View of the Grand Canal". |
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Francesco Guardi, "Parti fra Canal Grande"/Francesco Guardi, "View of the Grand Canal". |