kaldet "Elphi", Hamborgs kulturelle vartegn,
påbegyndt 2007 og indviet 2017,
tegnet af Herzog & de Meuron, schweizisk arkitektfirma med hovedkontor i
Basel. Bygningen rummer bl.a. tre koncertsale, en udsigtsplatform, hotel og
beboelse. Byggeriet blev forsinket med seks år og prisen tredoblet.
The Elbphilharmonie, Hamburg concert hall and cultural landmark, named
"Elphi", designed by the Swiss architecture firm Herzog & de Meuron, was
built between 2007-2017. The construction was delayed for six years and the
building costs was tripled. |
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I bydelen
St. Pauli ligger
(navngivet efter
og betegnes "Der
Kiez" dvs. Red Light District med forlystelser som bl.a. stripklubber og
Reeperbahns mest
berømte sidegade
er Grosse
Freiheit. I
1960'erne spillede The Beatles i musikklubben Kaiserkeller, Grosse Freiheit
36. Beatles-Platz blev opført i 2008 til minde om Hamborgs rolle i gruppens
St. Pauli, a quarter in Hamburg, contains the
world-famous Red Light District. A side street to Reeperbahn ("Der
Kiez") is the street Grosse Freiheit (great freedom). In the music
club Kaiserkeller, Grosse Freiheit 36, The Beatles played in the 1960s.
Beatles-Platz was built in 2008 to commemorate Hamburg's role in the band's
history. |
Hamburger Kunsthalle,
facade i italiensk renæssancestil, tegnet af arkitekterne Georg
Theodor Schirrmacher og Hermann von der Hude, inspireret af
Schinkelskolen i Berlin, betegnelsen for flere generationer af
Berlinarkitekter mellem 1840 til slutningen af 1800-tallet, opkaldt
efter arkitekten
Karl Friedrich Schinkel.
Hamburger Kunsthalle,
Italian Renaissance
facade, designed by the architects Georg Theodor
Schirrmacher and Hermann von der Hude, influenced by the
Schinkel School in Berlin, named after the architect
Karl Friedrich Schinkel and a German architectural style from 1840
to the late 1800s. |
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"Hier ist
er nutiden),
åbnet 1997.
"Hier ist
is the
opened its
doors to the
public in
1997. |
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Rider". |
1 |
Paul Delaroche,
in Fontainebleau". |
2 |
Jacob Isaacksz. van Ruisdael,
1646, "Landskab med en hytte"/Jacob Isaacksz. van Ruisdael,
1646, "Landscape with a Hut". |
3 |
Claude Lorrain,
1675-76, "Æneas og Dido i Karthago"/Claude Lorrain,
1675-76, "Aeneas and Dido at Carthage". |
4 |
Peter Paul Rubens,
ca. 1616, "Jomfru Marias Himmelfart"/Peter Paul Rubens,
c. 1616, "The Assumption of the Virgin". |
5 |
Gerard Houckgeest,
1650, "Koret i Nieuwe Kerk i Delft med
graven for Willem 1., Prins af Oranje.
Gerard Houckgeest,
1650, "The Choir of the Nieuwe Kerk in Delft with
the Tomb of Willem I, Prince of Orange". |
1 |
Giovanni Battista
Tiepolo, efter 1753, "Jesus i
Getsemane have"/Giovanni Battista
Tiepolo, after 1753, "Christ in the Garden of
Gethsemane". |
2 |
Giovanni Battista
Tiepolo, efter
1753, "Kristi tornekroning"/Giovanni Battista
Tiepolo, after
1753, "Christ Crowned with Thorns". |
3 |
Giovanni Antonio
Canal/Canaletto, 1740, "Capriccio med
romerske ruiner og motiver fra Padova".
Giovanni Antonio
Canal/Canaletto, 1740, "Capriccio with
Roman Ruins and Motifs from Padua". |
4 |
Jean-Honoré Fragonard,
ca. 1764, "Filosoffen"/Jean-Honoré Fragonard,
c. 1764, "The Philosopher". |
5 |
Lorenzo Bernini, 1622-23, "Cardinal
Allessandro Damasceni-Peretti-Montalto". |
1 |
Philipp Otto Runge, 1801, "Kærlighedens
sejr"/Philipp Otto Runge, 1801, "The
Triumph of Love". |
2 |
Philipp Otto Runge, 1808-09,
"Morgen (anden udgave)"/Philipp Otto Runge, 1808-09,
"Morning (Second Version)". |
3 |
Philipp Otto Runge,
1809, "Johann Philipp Petersen, en købmand
fra Hamborg"/Philipp Otto Runge,
1809, "Johann Philipp Petersen, a Merchant from
Hamburg". |
4 |
Wilhelm Leibl,
1878-82, "Tre kvinder i kirke"/Wilhelm Leibl,
1878-82, "Three Women in Church". |
5 |
Goya, c. 1795, "Don
Tomás Pérez Estala". |
1 |
Caspar David
Friedrich, 1812, "Ruiner Oybin"/Caspar David
Friedrich, 1812, "Ruine Oybin". |
2 |
Caspar David
Friedrich, 1812,
"De faldne frihedskæmperes grave (de gamle heltes
Caspar David
Friedrich, 1812,
"The Graves of Fallen Freedom Fighters (Old Heroes'
Graves). |
3 |
Caspar David
ca. 1818, "Vandringsmand over et tågehav"/Caspar David
Friedrich, c. 1818, "Wanderer above the Sea
of Fog". |
4 |
Caspar David
1821-22, "Enge nær Greifswald"/Caspar David
1821-22, "Meadows near Greifswald". |
5 |
Caspar David
1823-24, "Ishavet"/Caspar David
1823-24, "The Sea of Ice". |
1 |
Caspar David
ca. 1835, "Neubrandenburg i flammer"/Caspar David
c. 1835, "Neubrandenburg in Flames". |
2 |
Caspar David
1835-36, "Kyst i måneskin"/Caspar David
1835-36, "Seashore in Moonlight". |
3 |
Jens Juel, 1764, "Indre
Alster-sø i
Juel, 1764, "The Inner
Alster Lake in
Hamburg". |
4 |
Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard, før 1789,
"Den skibbrudne Niels Klim reddes af to quamiter
op i en båd". (Quamiter = ukultiverede
Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard, before 1789,
"The Shipwrecked Niels Klim Being Saved by Two
Quamites". (Quamites = uncultured
babarians). |
5 |
Arnold Böcklin, 1873, "Selvportræt"/Arnold
Böcklin, 1873, "Self-Portrait". |
1 |
Johann Heinrich Füssli, 1791-93,
"Skabelsen af Eva"/Johann
Heinrich Füssli, 1791-93, "The Creation
of Eve". |
2 |
Gustave Courbet, 1864, "The Grotto of the
Loue". |
3 |
Théodore Rousseau, 1833, "Ryddet skovbryn
ved landsbyen Pierrefonds i Compiégneskoven".
Théodore Rousseau, 1833, "Cleared
Forest Edge near the Village of Pierrefonds in the
Forest of Compiégne". |
4 |
Max Liebermann, 1883, "Eva". |
5 |
Max Liebermann, 1885, "Forældreløse børn
i haven i Amsterdam"/Max
Liebermann, 1885, "Amsterdam Orphans in
the Garden". |
1 |
Max Liebermann, 1887-89, "Garnbøderne"/Max
Liebermann, 1887-89, "The Net
Menders". |
2 |
Max Liebermann, 1900, "I krohaven i
Leiden"/Max Liebermann, 1900, "In the Garden
Restaurant in Leiden". |
3 |
Max Liebermann, 1905, "Professor
August Voller". |
4 |
Max Liebermann, 1905-06,
"Professorkongres i Hamborg"/Max
Liebermann, 1905-06, "The Professors'
Convention in Hamburg". |
5 |
Max Liebermann, 1909-10, "Selvportræt"/Max
Liebermann, 1909-10, "Self-Portrait". |
1 |
Lovis Corinth, 1911, "Carl Hagenbeck i
hans zoologiske have" (Hagenbeck Tierpark)/Lovis
Corinth, 1911, "Carl Hagenbeck in his Zoo". |
2 |
Camille Pissarro, 1878, "Hvile under
træerne nær Pontoise"/Camille
Pissarro, 1878, "Resting Beneath the
Trees near Pontoise". |
3 |
Alfred Sisley, 1873, "Kornmark nær
Sisley, 1873, "Cornfield near Argenteuil". |
4 |
Wilhelm Lehmbruck, 1910-11, "Høj stående
kvinde"/Wilhelm Lehmbruck, 1910-11,
"Tall Standing Woman". |
5 |
James Ensor, 1896, "Stilleben med masker"/James
Ensor, 1896, "Still Life with Masks". |
1 |
Edvard Munch, 1894,
"Selma Fontheim". |
2 |
Edvard Munch, 1893-95,
"Madonna". |
3 |
Edvard Munch, 1900-01,
Munch, 1900-01,
"Winter Forest". |
4 |
Edvard Munch, 1901,
"Piger på havnemolen"/Edvard
Munch, 1901,
"Girls on the Pier". |
5 |
Edvard Munch, 1906-07,
"Piger ved kysten"/Edvard
Munch, 1906-07,
"Girls on the Shore". |
1 |
Edvard Munch,
1913-14, "Liggende nøgen kvinde"/Edvard
1913-14, "Reclining Female Nude". |
2 |
Ferdinand Hodler, ca. 1903, "Udsigt til
Hodler, c. 1903, "View into
Infinity". |
3 |
Ferdinand Hodler, ca. 1910, "Thun-søen
med Stockhorn bjergkæden"/Ferdinand
Hodler, c. 1910, "Lake Thun with the
Stockhorn Mountain Range". |
4 |
Max Beckmann, 1905, "Store grå bølger"/Max
Beckmann, 1905, "Large Gray Waves". |
5 |
Max Beckmann, 1907, "Portræt af fru
Beckmann, 1907, "Portrait of Mrs Pagel". |
1 |
Max Beckmann, 1908, "Begrædelsen"/Max
Beckmann, 1908, "The Lamentation". |
2 |
Max Beckmann, 1908, "Syndfloden"/Max
Beckmann, 1908, "The Flood". |
3 |
Max Beckmann, 1911, "Korsbæringen"/Max
Beckmann, 1911, "The Bearing of the
Cross". |
4 |
Max Beckmann, 1927, "Stort stilleben med
Beckmann, 1927, "Large Still Life with
Fish". |
5 |
Max Beckmann, 1937, "Pige med gul kat (på
grå baggrund)"/Max
Beckmann, 1937, "Girl with Yellow Cat (on
Grey)". |
1 |
Max Beckmann, 1943, "Odysseus og Kalypso"/Max
Beckmann, 1943, "Odysseus and Calypso". |
2 |
Max Beckmann, 1944, "Svømmebassin, Cap
Beckmann, 1944, "Swimming Pool, Cap
Martin". |
3 |
August Macke, 1911, "Skt. Mariakirken i
Macke, 1911, "St Mary's Church in the
Snow". |
4 |
Otto Mueller, ca.
1920, "To badende piger"/Otto
Mueller, c. 1920,
"Two Bathing Girls". |
5 |
Wassily Kandinsky, 1909, "Arabisk
Kandinsky, 1909, "Arabian Cemetery". |
1 |
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner,
1910, omarbejdet 1926, "Maler og model"/Ernst
Ludwig Kirchner,
1910, reworked 1926, "Painter and Model". |
2 |
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner,
1911, "Hvilende piger"/Ernst
Ludwig Kirchner,
1911, "Girls Relaxing". |
3 |
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner,
Staberhof, Femern"/Ernst Ludwig Kirchner,
"Staberhof Estate,
Island of Fehmarn". |
4 |
Ernst Barlach, 1918, "Mand i gabestok"/Ernst Barlach, 1918, "Man in Stocks". |
5 |
Oskar Schlemmer, 1932, "Trappescene"/Oskar
Schlemmer, 1932, "Stairway Scene". |
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St. Michaelis Kirke,
evangelisk-luthersk kirke.
Den nuværende kirke, Hamborgs største, er den tredje kirke på stedet.
Kirken er indviet til ærkeenglen Michael,
englenes leder og det ondes bekæmper, der nedstyrtede Satan (i en drages
skikkelse) - Johannes Åbenbaring 12,7: "Og
der blev krig i himlen. Mikael og hans engle gik i krig med dragen, og
dragen og dens engle tog kampen op".
Alteret, 1910. Det centrale panel viser Jesu opstandelse, relieffet
Den sidste Nadver
og over det centrale panel ses Kristus på korset. Allerøverst ses en due i
stråleglans symboliserende
omgivet af to knælende engle.
Prædikestolen af marmor, 1910, er udført af billedhuggeren
Otto Lessing. Lydhimlen er kronet af
bebudelsens engel Gabriel.
Kirken har fem orgler.
Komponisten og pianisten
Johannes Brahms
blev i 1833 døbt i St. Michaelis Kirke. |
St Michael's Church,
Lutheran church. The present church, the largest
church in Hamburg, is the third church building at
the site.
The church is dedicated to Saint Michael the
Archangel, the leader of all angels and of the army of God,
a warrior in the battle of good versus evil. The
Book of Revelation 12,7: "Then war broke out
in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the
dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back."
The altar, 1910. The central panel shows the
Resurrection of Jesus, the relief below the
Last Supper and above the central panel is
Christ on the cross. At the very top is
a dove in radiance symbolizing the Holy Spirit, the
dove is surrounded by kneeling angels.
The marble pulpit, 1910, was executed by the
sculptor Otto Lessing. The sounding board is crowned
by the Angel of Annunciation.
The church has five organs.
The composer and pianist Johannes Brahms
was in 1833 baptized
in the church. |
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the Devil. |
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borgmester i
mayor of
Hamburg. |
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1-2 |
St. Joseph Kirke
på Grosse Freiheit/The
Church of St Joseph,
Grosse Freiheit. |
3 |
St. Trinitatis Kirke,
Altona, opført 1742-43 i
of the Holy Trinity, built
1742-43 in
style. |
4 |
Katharinen Kirke/St Catherine's Church. |
5 |
Den russisk-ortodokse
kirke/The Russian Orthodox Church. |
1-5 |
Hamborgs Rådhus, opført
nyrenæssance/Hamburg City Hall,
built 1886-97, Neo-renaissance. |
1-4 |
Hamborgs Rådhus, opført 1886-97,
nyrenæssance/Hamburg City Hall, built 1886-97, Neo-renaissance. |
5 |
De dansende tårne, 2012/The Dancing
Towers, 2012. |
1-5 |
Monument over
digteren Heinrich Heine (1797-1856), afsløret i
1982, udført af Waldemar Otto.
Monument to the
poet Heinrich Heine (1797-1856), unveiled 1982,
executed by Waldemar Otto. |
1-2 |
Heinrich Hertz tårnet/Fjernsynstårnet,
opført 1966-68, tegnet af arkitekterne Fritz Trautwein og Rafael Behn.
Udsigtsplatformen og restauranten, der drejer rundt, genåbner i 2023 efter
The Heinrich Hertz Tower/TV tower,
built between 1966-68, designed by the architects Fritz Trautwein and Rafael
The viewing platform and revolving restaurant are scheduled
to reopen
in 2023. |
3-4 |
Freie Akademie der Künste. |
5 |
Den gamle politistation/The old
police station. |
6 |
Miniatur Wunderland, Pakhuskvarteret.
Modelleisenbahn Wunderland åbnede i 2001.
Miniatur Wunderland, The
The model railway museum opened to the public in 2001. |
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Miniatur Wunderland, Pakhuskvarteret.
warehouse district. |
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Mount Rushmore National Memorial. |